Voices of the Past will showcase an interesting person or family within the Cemetery each week.
John Thomas Potts
Born: 1881
Died: August 21, 1950, aged 68
Location: Section A, Lot 30
John T. Potts was a prominent businessman and civic leader in the Homestead area, and resided at 106 E. James Street in Munhall. For over 40 years, he served as President of the George M. Hall Lumber Company. He'd also been an owner of the Packard automobile agency, formerly on Seventh Avenue in Homestead.
He was a member of the Munhall Planning Commission, a director of Homestead Hospital, a director of Jefferson Memorial Park of Pleasant Hills, a member of Homestead Park Methodist Church, a member of the Homestead Elks Lodge 650, Free and Accepted Masons Lodge 685, Pittsburgh Consistory, and Syria Temple.
Mr. Potts passed while vacationing in Lake Trout, Canada.
He was the son of Edward and Sarah Potts Chamberlain; brother of Mrs. Edward H. Shellaby, Mrs. Albert I Harold, Mrs. Samuel A. Atkins, Mrs. George J. Gleich, William H. Potts, Samuel A. Potts, and Joseph McDermott Potts; husband of the late Margaret (Hall) Potts; and was survived by his three children, Mrs. Joseph T. Wassell, Mrs. Olive Mutter, and Clayton L. Hall.
His funeral services were handled by Gillen & Coulter Co., of E. Ninth Avenue, Homestead, where he had a service on Friday, August 25, 1950, at 2 PM.

Information gathered from:
"John T. Potts," Pittsburgh Press, 23 August 1950, p. 31
"John T. Potts Died in Canada on Vacation," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 23 August 1950, p. 9
"Mrs. Sarah Chamberlain Dies," Pittsburgh Press, 21 May 1923, p. 27