President: Rick Brennan, NOT PRESENT
Vice-President: Rusty Firestone, PRESENT
Secretary: Thomas Barefoot, PRESENT
Treasurer: Michael Perovich, PRESENT
Grounds Superintendent: Corey Potts, PRESENT
Board Member: David Hruska, PRESENT
Board Member: Tom Imhoff, PRESENT
Board Member: Kyra Mangold-Ostovich, PRESENT
Board Member: Kevin Ondo, NOT PRESENT
Board Member: Vince Rodgers, PRESENT
Volunteers present: Christine Schott and Ellis Michaels
Old business
Monument lighting has been completed
Bulletin board has been installed by Main Street entrance
New downspouts have been installed on to house to prevent further water damage
New zero turn lawn mower was purchased
Temporary markers have been purchased for new burials
Gas account has been set up
Fundraising update
As of May 27, 2021, $19,735.00 has been received from the community
Monthly expenses
Water bill: under $15.00
Soldier Monument Status
Waiting on first batch of applications to be approved, or markers to be mailed to the SWG Funeral Home
Tax Filing
Completed for the year
Water repairs
New business
Vote on acceptance of new by-laws
Voted yea by all board member present
Volunteer Day for Saturday, May 29, 11 AM - 2 PM
Plans made to weed whack around markers and clean trash/branches
Summer workers
Able to bring on paid student workers through a summer program to help with grounds-keeping
Traffic signage
Directional signs to be purchased
Meeting adjourned by 7:30 PM
Next meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 24, 2021, 6:30 PM at the Cemetery.