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The "E." Stands for Edward:
the John E. Morris Story

1892 "Battle of Homestead" Steel Strike
Presented by: Shannon Forester

This tour is sponsored by:
Battle of Homestead Foundation; Dr. Daniel J. Spellman, DMD

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Shannon Forester is the great-great niece of John E. Morris, the twenty-eight year old Welsh immigrant steelworker who was the first to be killed in the Homestead Strike of 1892.

Shannon is a graduate of the University of South Florida and a retired Chief Operations Officer of an Atlanta corporation. Her account of her “Uncle John’s” life has been published twice - once internationally.

Through her childhood, family stories were told of “Uncle John’s” heroic family contribution, especially recanted by John’s youngest sister Margaret, who was Shannon’s great-grandmother.

For the past 15 years, Shannon’s research of her “Uncle John” has taken her back to Wales several times, to state archives, through hundred year old family records and photos, family interviews and stories, countless Homestead Strike records, immigration and ship board registries as well as national and international news articles of the day.

Shannon is currently writing a book on the significant yet short life of this remarkable young man and the impact of the Homestead Strike on the immigrant families who were left behind and suffered unimaginable loss from this cruel event.

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